Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Mean Infected

It’s a sports story about which this little poem’s about
That made me so pissed off at baseball I must scream and shout
Because tonight during the Nat’s game Philly’s manager
Abused the ‘check the pitcher’ rule, which was a harbinger
Of post-Trump baseball which is where we now find ourselves stuck
And if tonight’s game’s typical baseball here out will suck.

Philly’s manager Gerardi, acting like a shit,
Tried to take Max Scherzer from the game right out of it
By claiming he saw evidence that Max was using goo
Or some such substance about which he did not have a clue
And he got all the umpires to agree to disrupt
Max pitching during mid-inning, a stop that was abrupt.

So Max they checked a third time, and it really pissed him off
But when he was done at least it was Gerardi they tossed
For coming on the field to scream about the angry stare
That Max gave walking off, but now there’s damage to repair
Across the game of baseball, for if things are not corrected
Like politics it will be one more thing mean has infected.

The rule is to fine Gerardi and that they’d better do
Or managers will think they can opposing pitchers screw
And America’s pastime will be sucked into the swamp
That Trump left in his wake and into which baseball they’ll stomp
If they claim they see goo on every pitch against them thrown
And bench-clearing becomes the norm to which both sides grow prone.

22 June 2021

Coming to grips: Sitcky stuff bam provokes managers, players https://flip.it/Xx5vnV

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