Thursday, June 24, 2021

Vengeance Busses

Jared and Ivanka, Ivanka and Jared too
Are trying to hide from dear dad so he does not them screw
So although they moved very close in Florida to him
They don’t much visit Mar-A-Lago even on a whim
But try as they may to distance themselves without a fuss
Very soon one if not both he’ll throw under the bus.

Normal parents strive to protect their children from harm
But Trump is so non-normal his kids have cause for alarm
They therefore did whatever they could do to win his favor
But lately Jared’s and Ivanka’s ass-kissing did waiver
So Michael Cohen has predicted we’ll soon watch the show
Where Trump throws Jared under the bus as the first to go.

If Jared and Ivanka, Ivanka and Jared too
Think they can move past daddy’s lies they’d better think anew
Because to wreak vengeance on foes is what propels dear dad
And them trying to salvage reputations makes him mad
So one after the other underneath the bus he’ll throw
To save his ass they’ll be the first of all his kids to go.

Republican have hitched their wagon to an insane man
Who’ll sacrifice his progeny to save his sorry can
And after all his kids he throws he’ll next turn upon those
Who think as his replacement they'll wear his emperor’s clothes
DeSantis may not be an offspring but he’ll be offed too
As the next first of many more Trump’s vengeance busses screw.  

Jared and Ivanka, Ron DeSantis, others too
If they think they can dodge Trump’s busses do not have a clue
He will thrown each under the bus before much more time passes
To satisfy his lust for blood and entertain cult masses 
Who see him as God’s chosen representative on earth
But who if they annoy him better give him a wide berth.

24 June 2021

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump think they can salvage their reputation by pretending to want nothing to do with Trump

Ivanka Trump struggles to move past her father’s election lies

Michael Cohen reveals the family member Trump’s about to ‘throw under the bus’

So when is Trump going to turn on Gov. Ron DeSantis?

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