Thursday, June 10, 2021

Small Lie

Stormy would love to testify and tell all that she knows
About her rich trick Donald Trump when he’s not wearing clothes
And those three minutes he bought for one hundred thirty K
And then tried to sweep under the rug to make go away
But that’s all that she knows about Trump’s performance that night
Except for the shape of his mushroom that did not look right.

If Stormy’s asked to testify we’ll have to hear again
About his little weenie that that night she did befriend
Which after use produced a payoff that was very big
Unlike the little fellow attached to the orange pig
I guess it would be fun to hear again but even so
It’s just proof of a little small lie we don’t need know.

Stormy’s testimony’s funny but not really great
So let’s hope someone with more to reveal steps to the plate
To provide such clear evidence it can’t be brushed away
By ass-kissing GOP toads fear of Trump does so sway
That they deny the insurrection we clearly did watch
And will also deny the small lie lying in his crotch.

10 June 2021

Stormy Daniels would ‘love’ to testify against Trump and would tell Manhattan prosecutors ‘everything I know’

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