Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Orbiting Stupidity

Louie Gohmert, Emperor For Life, is usually
Not worth the time of day it takes to write bad poetry
Because hands down he is the dumbest representative
It’s hardly worth the pixels to say in a poem he is
But sometimes his stupidity sets such an extreme low
It becomes worthy of a poem or two, so here we go. 

What can you say about a dunce who seems to have no clue
That changing planet orbits is not something man can do?
He thinks there is no climate change but maybe to correct it
Realigning earth and moon orbits could well effect it
So he asked someone whose mandate involves managing trees
If she knew how to do it and if so to tell him please.

The official he asked found herself struck completely dumb
That such a stupid question could be asked by anyone
But when it comes stupid Louie Gohmert takes the cake
As he himself admits to those who ask for heaven’s sake
And ‘though he uses air quotes to his “dumbest” words convey
His question about orbit change sweeps quotes and doubts away.

9 June 2021

GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert asks a National Forest Service official if she can alter the earth’s and moon’s orbits to fight climate change

‘The Dumbist Guy in Congress’ asks the Forest Service If It Can Change The Moon’s Orbit

Louie Gohmert Remains the Undisputed Emperor of the Crazy People

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