Thursday, June 10, 2021


Another day another way to send a bit of grift
From Donald Trump grift master to those on his donor list
The crooked ploy he’s pulled on them before he’s pulled again
And those who do not read small print against it can’t defend
So they’ll be hit with donations pulled right out their wazoo
Because they left boxes pre-checked that are designed to screw.

Trump’s con PAC ‘Save America’ is a grift tool bar none
For cleaning out cult bank accounts that make the chosen one
Far richer than his cult will be thanks to compound donation
Which he claims he requires to defend ‘our’ threatened nation
But in reality he needs to rapidly amass
To pay off lawyers he has tasked to save his threatened ass.

He fools them once and fools them twice and then fools them some more
To keep donations coming through pre-checked boxes galore
Hidden away within each plea he makes to gain support
That will provide a big surprise in their next bank report
And although a few may complain of his repeated grift
Most he hopes will see their loss as his surprise birthday gift.

10 June 2021

Trump’s PAC, Save America, is opting supporters into extra ‘surprise’ donations for his birthday

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