Saturday, June 26, 2021

Run Again

Revenge is sweet so back to it in rally mode Trump goes
To denounce all his enemies and angrily expose
How he was robbed and cheated of election victory
Which clearly was his landslide to all who in Trump World see
Reality as he sees it in his genius brain
As so in rally after rally they hear him complain.

As his cult gathers around him to celebrate his rage
His flag-humping and whining will again take center stage
He’s missed the adoration so much it’s driven him nuts
And now his nuts will be exposed as up on stage he struts
In rally after rally where his great big lie he’ll voice
To those who in the chosen one’s performance so rejoice.

But at the edges of his rallies laws are creeping in
Which may soon make dear leader take a hard one on the chin
No matter about what big lie vote stealing he’s complaining
He soon may find his rally stage appearances are waining
As into courts in several states for trial dates he goes
Where he will face an audience that’s not the one he knows.
But maybe he’ll deny court charges to his rally mob
And claim he’s being framed in one more fine cult crowd con job
And refuse to appear when summoned to state courts to go
And instead urge his followers to put on a gun show
To make blood run red in the streets before his next encore
When with that blood he runs again for prez in ‘24.

26 June 2021

Trump set to return to stage with rally in Ohio

Trump teases 2024 presidential run and says he’ll be making an announcement about it ‘in the not too distant future’

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