Sunday, June 27, 2021

At Rally After Rally

Abandon hope all ye who hope there’s still hope to be had
Trump’s rally in Ohio proved half the country’s gone mad
The false god there adored and praised and worshiped made quite clear
That he is not a quitter and can cast aside white fear
Once he regains his throne Democrat fraud votes stole away
By focusing their votes and guns to make all his foes pay.

At rally after rally as Trump tightens his cult yoke
America will move so far past ugly it’s no joke
As his big lie for millions replaces reality
He’ll convince them it justifies loyal insanity
He’ll get elected legislators who’ll in lock step pass
Suppression laws that disenfranchise citizens en masse.

At rally after rally where Trump proves he’s not a quitter
His cult will quit their senses as his big lie turns them bitter
And as armed insurrectionists do as he bids them do
And toads he gets elected his agenda will push through
The sane half of our country will let the mad half prevail
If it keeps hoping hope alone can steer the ship we sail.

At rally after rally Trump cult madness he’ll enhance
As ever more insanely he bids cult members to dance
And ego-stroking is like oxygen his needed goal
Behind his lies and enemies who’s elections he’ll troll
As once again he chips away at sanity remains
That still resists big lies his insane brain keeps on containing.

At rally after rally those still sane better get mad
At madness they no longer hope will fade away as fad
Because mad’s now the mental state of cultists Trump unleashes
Who buy each big and little lie in his rallies he preaches
And stand ready to undertake mad acts on his command
To reinstate him as mad king ruling their insane land.
27 June 2021

Former president Trump holds first rally since leaving office

“He’s not a quitter”: Faithful out in force as Trump gets back to the campaign trail

The people still going to Trump rallies are committed to Trump’s fantasy “He’s our true president”

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