Friday, June 25, 2021

Number Two

Poor Rudy cannot practice law in New York any more
His bogus ‘Trump Won’ claims led them to kick him out the door
And Trump’s no longer in position to give him a pardon
But maybe they are hiring at that small lawn and garden
And he can get a job there so he’s not so out of it
And like his lawyering continue shoveling bullshit.

Rudy and his bogus Trump claims finally proved enough
To make New York suspend his law practice by getting rough
And jerking the rug out from under his Gucci shoe feet
Which made his bogus claims and black goo brains suffer defeat
As the former prez lawyer he may still shovel some shit
But without a law license it will matter not a bit.

Trump has praised Rudy for the bullshit defense he provided
But ignored every invoice Rudy towards him has glided
And has refused to pay for Dominion lawsuit defense
Thus leaving Rudy without squat to show as recompense
His bogus ‘Trump Won’ claims were the first bullshit he dug through
Let’s hope he finds job satisfaction digging number two.

25 June 2021

Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York

Court suspends Giuliani’s law license over bogus fraud claims

Even Four Seasons Total Landscaping Dunked On Rudy Guiliani

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