Sunday, June 13, 2021

Red Or Blue

Red or blue, which one are you? What color is your state?
If you’re in blue then good for you, your vaccine goal goes great
But if within red states you dwell I’m sorry but you’re screwed
Because red ideology controls the attitude
That prevents your state from meeting Joe’s vaccine goal on time
Because red legislators think without shots you'll be fine.

Most blue states will reach Biden’s goal by the 4th of July
While red states following Trump’s lead see no reason to try
So while those in blue make it through thanks to their vaccine shot
Those in deep red may soon be dead because they’re so smart not
It depends on the state you live in and who there does lead
Leaders driven by medicine or by power and greed.

What Trump’s wrought in state legislatures for you now decides
If shots will keep you COVID free and help to stem its tides
Or if the stance your leaders take end up ending your life
Because they would for Donald Trump make any sacrifice
Including you as sacrifice to ideology
Imposed to prove how true to Trump red state leaders can be.

So don’t be blue if your state’s blue, you will come through alright 
But if it’s red and you’re still not dead you'd best be uptight
Because Trump-loving leadership will lead you far away
From science-driven vaccine goals blue states have put in play
And like those leaders you’d best hope Trump-love’s all that’s required
To lead your state through before death’s due and yours has transpired.

13 June 2021

Most blue states will make Biden’s July 4 vaccine goal. Red states won’t.

The GOP’s anti-vax messaging is working, red states are vaccinating more slowly

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