Saturday, June 12, 2021


17 to 75 percent is a lot
Of confidence the world has gained that it will not get shot
By Republican idiots who did not have a clue
About doing the jobs Trump claimed they were best suited to
Of all the very best people he searched so hard to find
Because he was determined to leave no crony behind.

75 to 17 is how far hope plunged 
When Trump was busy having the real very best expunged 
Because his kids and cronies were the best crooks he had found
For running things as he demanded right into the ground
Like Ivanka and Jared and sleepyhead Wilbur Ross
And other cons and grifters he into his mix did toss.

75 - 17 - 75 again
And who knows how far down once more if Trump’s back to it rend
Which he is confident he’ll be by August 32nd
Based on calendar calculations Margie Greene has reckoned
So although the world’s confidence right now is riding high
Trump’s reinstatement would make it kiss confidence goodbye.

12 June 2021

Global confidence in US raises over 55 percentage points under Biden

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