Monday, June 14, 2021

Launching Platforms

Trump rallies are back on again so we’ll soon be subjected
To rants about big lies that all sane people have rejected
But of which his adoring cult can’t ever get enough
So after mandatory flag-humping prepare for fluff
As Trump once again struts on stage his vast ego to stroke
In front of those who worship him and don’t get he’s a joke.

To those who see reality Trump is a joke indeed
But he well knows his audience and gives them what they need
Which is belief that they like him were each chosen by God
To rule America and not downtrodden in it plod
So his cult will respond to him at rallies far and wide
With love for him and hate for all those he cannot abide.

If flag-humping and ego strokes were all Trump rallies brought
They would not be so dangerous nor worth a second thought
But that's not what they represent to those who through them see
Each is a launching platform for advancing tyranny
By entertaining hearts and minds of those who can’t discern
Malicious narcissism as a sickness sane minds spurn.

14 June 2021

The return of the Trump rally

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