Monday, June 28, 2021

Simple Solution

The New York court is closing in on Trump’s fat orange tail
And his former Vice President says he should go to jail
And the Supreme Court says Obamacare is here to stay
And despite all Trump’s efforts they won’t let it go away
And Rudy’s been suspended and with Pillow Guy and Kraken
Like Trump must soon appear in court if their excuse is lackin’.

Trump’s lawyers have just 24 hours to make their play
To say why he should not appear to face his judgement day
And why his corrupt business should not have its tricks exposed
And why he thinks he has the right to no taxes disclose
And if they do not argue well he well may go to jail
And he’s so cheap he won’t spend one penny of his on bail.

That’s why he's back in rally mode, to distract from his woes
And to solicit donations before law windows close
On his ability to remain free above the fray
And hiding fear behind his smirks thing’s aren’t going his way
Because investigations of his cons and scams and grift
Are reaching their conclusions which for him won’t be a gift.

It would be final justice if Trump finally did get screwed
For being vile and corrupt and complicit and lewd
And caring more about himself than any human being
Has ever cared about themselves in past history’s streaming
His lawyers will plead for delay in the last day they’ve got
But even they might be OK if he simply got shot.

28 June 2021

Trump’s lawyers reportedly given 24 hours to say why business should not face charges

Ex-Trump organization VP: Trump deserves to go to jail

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