Thursday, June 3, 2021

Game Changer

Not with a bang but with a whimper has Trump’s great blog gone
He announced it with great fanfare but it did not last long
In less than one short month it folded up its tents and left
So ‘From The Desk Of Donald Trump’ we are all now bereft
But since nobody cared enough to hear what his blog said
It’s no big deal that it’s now silent, off the web, and dead.

Less than one month is not much time for anything to run
About as much time as cicadas get to see the sun
But unlike those loud bugs Trump’s blog did not make too much noise
And unlike them it died before it did much that annoys
Whatever Trump intended to through blog communicate
Nobody had to listen to unlike the buggy spate.

History will little note nor long remember crap
That ‘From The Desk Of Donald Trump’ put on blogosphere’s map
The twit was banned from Twitter so his blog he planned to use
To redefine the game completely but it proved a snooze
So in less than one month it’s gone and Trump is very pissed
It did not redefine the game and by none will be missed.

3 June 2021

Trump’s ‘Communications Platform’ Fails After Just 1 month

Trump’s underwhelming blog ends with an embarrassing whimper

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