Friday, June 4, 2021

Ball Game

Trump may be dumb enough to believe he’ll be reinstated
Or smart enough to make the idea media debated
Or brilliant enough to keep stringing his dumb cult along
Or stupid enough to accept their worshipful swan song
But whether dumb or smart or brilliant or stupid it’s true
We’ll have to wait for August to see which Trump will come through.

A well placed source reports Trump really doesn’t buy the crap
MyPillow Guy is selling to put him back on the map
But others say he does believe by August he’s back in
Once Mike Lindell finds evidence so far eluding him
Meanwhile he will keep milking debate about his brain
And whether dumb or smart is encased deep within insane.

The Constitution has no clause that covers reinstatement
But lack thereof has never stopped Trump pushing for effacement
Of any law now on the books with which he disagrees
So he will ignore lack of reinstatement law with ease
And dumb or smart he’ll continue until August is gone
His ‘What does he believe?’ charade to string us all along.

So on we’ll go until August when all will be revealed
Or like his blog the story won’t live up to what he’s squealed
But whether he is dumb or smart is really not the issue
It is tearing democracy apart like Kleenex tissue
With nothing much to keep it whole while he tears it away
Except maybe the Democrats if they find balls to play.

4 June 2021

‘Well placed’ CNN source says Trump doesn’t appear to  believe he’ll be reinstated in August

George Conway: Trumps Reinstatement Claims are ‘Unravelling’ the GOP and ‘Deeply Undermining Democracy’

Does Trump really believe he’ll be ‘reinstated’ in August? TrumpWorld is a confused mess

Trump is not ‘delusional’ - It is much worse than that

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