Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Crazy Idea

Trump as the Speaker of the House as an idea so bent
It’s much more than a comedown for the former president
Who hogged the limelight every day, for if he got back in
As Speaker he’d be able to start hogging it again.

Again we’d be subjected to his complaints, hate, and scorn
And from important daily news away we would be torn
Because as Speaker that pretty much would be what he’d do
And we’ve had more than enough of his constant boo hoo hoo.

But as a candidate for president again he’s not
Among the lead of those trying to give it their best shot
And he would never place himself where once again he’d lose
When to some other limelight-hogging position he’d cruse.

We’ll have to wait and see if Speaker becomes his next goal
Or some other position other than a whiny troll
Continually dominating headlines day and night
With complaints about robbery and vote counts that aren’t right.

Why such a crazy Trump World idea could hold benefit
For Democrats is a concept that’s kind of hard to get
The idea is anti-Trump voters would turn out en masse
To un-elect Republicans who’d House-Speaker his ass.

But all who hate Trump hardly need to find any excuse
No matter what position on which he’d next heap abuse
To cast their votes against those who would vote to him select
For other than the albatross they’ve hung around their neck.

22 June 2021

McCarthy asked about Trump becoming House Speaker https://flip.it/ufVUfa

Florida governor tops Trump in 2024 presidential poll https://flip.it/OC9erX

Trump World’s latest crazy idea could be good for Democrats https://flip.it/9nfCyR

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