Friday, June 11, 2021


The world is horrified America’s fallen so far
If we were a golf game we’d be shooting way over par
If we were in a foot race we’d be staggering in last
If we were in a car race other cars would race on past.

We’re no longer a golden city shining on a hill
Donald Trump blew our hill up democracy to kill
And his toady Republicans its rubble all still pound
And the whole world is horrified our fall’s been so profound.

Dysfunctional’s the word that describes what we have become
Under the corrupt leadership of the self-chosen one
Who the whole world cannot believe continues to insist
That he was robbed of his win and has a right to stay pissed.

The world is horrified to watch democracy’s flagship
Driven by Republicans with filibuster grip
Directly at icebergs ahead which fast towards they sail
At speeds ensuring big lie crashes for years will prevail.

Why are we not as horrified at what is going on
To sink our ship of state and bid democracy so long
As the world watching horrified, amazed to wonder why
Our proud nation’s allowing fools to kiss our past goodbye?

11 June 2021

The world is horrified by the dysfunction of American democracy

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