Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Beyond Delusion

No, Trump is not delusional, it is way worse than that
He’s a completely normal narcissistic maniac
Malicious with no moral compass to lead him around
In which no drop of human empathy is to be found
All of which makes him as normal as a monster can be
When it comes to knowing it’s all about me me me.

No, Trump is not delusional, it’s way worse than it seems
He thinks his obese body’s healthy due to his great genes
And his rotted out evil brain is not a scrambled mess
But is rather the dwelling place of stable genius
And that is just the iceberg tip of things he must believe
About himself to overcome his fears that never leave.

No, Trump is not delusional, it’s worse than that by far
For everything he does because of what he is does scar
The fabric of democracy that protected our land
From maladjusted maniacs who do not give a damn 
For anything and anyone except themselves alone
So though they drag the country down feel no need to atone.

No, Trump is not delusional, delusional are those
Kissing his orange ass exposed by his emperor’s clothes
Which cover nothing but the truth with big lies told each day
To keep deep fear within him somehow for now held at bay
But as his legal walls close in and he’s not reinstated
More than big lies alone he’ll need to keep his fears abated.

But if Trump’s is not delusional then how can he believe
He still has many rabbits left to pull out of his sleeve?
Rabbits to reinstate him at the pinnacle of power
From which he’ll wreak such vengeance as will make all his foes cower
And from his throne as dictator for life none would dare pull
Him down again using fraud votes. Not delusional? Bull!

9 June 2021

No, Trump’s not delusional - it’s actually much worse than that

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