Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Self Preservation

Donald Trump will throw his children underneath the bus
If they flip on him and offer to make an informed fuss
After those after dear dad offer to let them off
If they will provide evidence against which he can’t scoff
That is what Mary Trump predicts and surely she should know
Because she knows Trump family members above and below.

As she says Trump can’t evolve and is completely stuck
Within the overwhelming ego befitting a schmuck
Who believes he is everything and thus no one else counts
So to throw his kids under the bus to nothing amounts
And he will throw them in a heartbeat if they flip on him
Which Mary thinks is likely once the law starts closing in.

Each kid has been complicit in the shit dear dad has done
But when push comes to shove they’ll all flip on the chosen one
To save complicit asses Mary thinks they’ll cut a deal
Because spilling their guts to lawyers will hold more appeal
Than letting daddy dump them on the busy interstate
Where bus after bus crushes those who have incurred his hate.

Trump can’t evolve but maybe his kids unlike dad aren’t dumb
And will not double down for him once under the law’s thumb
They’ve been under his tiny thumb since the day they were born
By mothers he was married to, not by his queens of porn,
But blood links may not be enough despite paternity
When down the road a speeding bus dispatched by him they see.

That Mary will prove right or wrong it remains to be seen
But maybe unlike him Trump’s kids aren’t dumb to such extreme
And Mary knows self preservation is a basic trait
That when buses are bearing down tends to predominate
So they indeed may flip on dad to their asses preserve
From the incarceration towards which his fat ass does swerve.

8 June 2021

Mary Trump Predicts How Donald Trump Will Throw His Children Under The Bus https://flip.it/ATQTXy

The walls are closing in on Trump, for real this time https://flip.it/IeeVfK

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