Tuesday, June 15, 2021


Margie Taylor Greene has actually apologized!
She said her Holocaust comparison was not too wise
She should have compared wearing masks to something less offensive
Than millions of mass murdered Jews, and so now her defense is
That after three long ugly weeks she now sees she was wrong
To compare Nazi death patches to putting bug masks on.

It took three weeks of criticism from both left and right
For her abysmal ignorance to see things in new light
And force the first apology that she ever issued
To issue from her to admit her mask-star link was skewed
Towards what which Anti-Semites say (which she says she’s not
Although one wonders given how she gives it her best shot).

What Margie does next all depends on how badly she’s hit
By her Republican colleagues who seek to avoid shit
That she keeps dragging them into with every stupid word
That comes across even to them as looney tunes absurd
But they’ll keep on defending her despite dumb words and acts
Because she’s a close ally of he who stabs at their backs.

15 June 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene apologizes for comparing house mask rule to the Holocaust https://flip.it/5njjlW

Rep. Greene apologizes for comparing masks, Holocaust https://flip.it/JCBzu1

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