Monday, June 21, 2021

Another No

Another ‘no’ from McConnell, why should there be surprise?
It is the one word he’s forever trying on for size
He started saying it back when Obama got elected
And for all eight years said it to get Dem changes rejected.

He took time off during Trump’s reign to say ‘yes’ to bullshit
Whatever Trump told him to do he found a ‘yes’ to fit
But now that Dems are back again from him again ‘no’s’ heard
Against all things they want to do, so back he goes to turd.

Manchin’s no real Democrat but is one just enough
To make McConnell choose ‘no’ as go-to when things get tough
And thus stop dead all compromise about fair voting rights
That keep Republicans up late and fearful through their nights.

So on we’ll go from ‘no’ to ‘no’ until Dems find the balls
To kick the filibuster out of congressional halls
And reinstate majority rule as the way to go
And finally shut McConnell up and end his endless ‘no’.

21 June 2021

McConnell rejects Manchin’s voting rights compromise

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