Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Lindsey Graham, brain-damaged man, says damage caused by Trump
Will have to be repaired before we re-elect the chump
But Trump is in great shape so Lindsey’s sure he’ll run again
And maybe win once he repairs damage he ushered in
That he of course was in no way responsible for bringing
And so his re-election is the song we’ll soon be singing.

As understatements go this one by Lindsey takes the cake
Because before he said Trump would destroy us, for God’s sake,
But that was before drinking kool aid by the bucketful
Disbursed by weird charisma Trump serves all those he would pull
Into the black hole vortex of his damage-wreaking reign
(Abandon hope all ye who enter, your leader’s insane).

So yeah, Lindsey, ‘some damage’ indeed will need mass undoing
If Trump thinks he can once again resume his nation-screwing
But those he damaged won’t forget like you apparently
That unhinged monsters aren’t our country’s favorite cup of tea
And lies about repaired damage do not damage repair
And lying’s all your side has got so you had best beware.

25 May 2021

In Understatement of the Century, Lindsey Graham says Trump will have ‘Some Damage To Repair’ If He Runs in 2024 https://flip.it/-RJ0DT

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