Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Right Stuff

Making MyPillows is not enough to enter events
Despite being as big a shit as all within their tents
Because the only credentials you proudly can proclaim
Is ass-kisser supreme of the ass-pillow with Trump’s name
And kissing his pudgy posterior unceasingly
Does not qualify you for governor event entry.

An unelected idiot who touts encased chopped foam
Is not someone who governors allow entry to roam
Inside their secret meeting spaces where they plot and scheme
To stay in power forever by every dirty mean
Although like you they drink the kool aid Trump each day supplies
Your ass-kissing is nothing special in elected eyes.

If you want to be allowed in the next time red govs meet
You’ll better do more than on a big pillow-ass be sweet
Your love for Donald’s pudgy pillow-butt is not enough
Because only getting elected gives you the right stuff
To meet with those whose ass-kissing is their job guarantee
Unlike yours which just makes MyPillow sales drop drastically.

26 May 2021

MyPillow’s Mike Lindell is turned away from Republican governors event

MyPillow guy Mike Lindell reportedly kicked out of Republican governors’ event

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