Monday, May 24, 2021

Skewed History

Billions of cicadas are emerging left and right
As are stupidly hurtful things that simply are not right
That Margie Greene allows her mouth to as true facts expound
Without fear the Republicans will unite to shoot down.

Not one leading Republican is taking her to task
For equating Holocaust yellow stars to COVID mask
Which she says Jews in Europe way back during World War II
Were as unhappy wearing as her friends who masks eschew.

She says Pelosi is marching mask-wearers to their grave
Like Jews the Nazis forced to wear stars they to each one gave
Or some such convoluted logic she alone may know
But no one else can comprehend because it’s tangled so.

Of course like Trump she’s doubled down and claimed nothing she’s said
Is wrong in any way despite some 16 million dead
Because forcing one to wear a mask and to wear a star
Is exactly the same thing in a mind that’s sub-par.

It’s bad enough for idiots to equate things they do
But worse for so-called “leaders” to let their equations through
Standing aside silently declining to contend
Is worse than skewing history for political end.

24 May 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Holocaust comments aren’t just vile. They’re dangerous.

Kevin McCarthy goes into hiding after Marjorie Taylor Greene compares mask to the Holocaust

Marjorie Taylor Greene doubles down on anti-Semitic remarks “I have done nothing wrong”

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