Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Three Parties

Republicans not stuck on Trump won’t be around for long
When it comes to their future they won’t be moving on
Because the great big “Trump Won!” lie has now become, you see,
The only thing the right uses to measure loyalty.

All those who pretend the lie’s true increase their party clout
All those not fully buying into it are driven out
There are no longer only two parties politically
Democrats, lie buyers, and disloyalists make three.

The reason for big lie lip service is not hard to find
It stirs up what’s left of the base Trump’s loss has left behind
So to remain in office riding their big gravy train
Big lie buyers claim big lie truth is not stupid insane.

Somehow those stuck on the big lie think they’ll still win constantly
Despite decreasing lie-buy numbers they deny they see
Because they know at state levels laws are being enacted
To suppress legal voting so far it will be redacted.
So on as three parties we go, one begging unity
The others split so far apart they can’t each other see
Within a Mexican standoff with nothing getting done
Stuck in the tangled web woven by big lie’s chosen one.

4 May 2021

For Republicans, fealty to Trump’s election falsehood becomes loyalty test https://flip.it/SB_Y6

The only thing Republicans are debating is their degree of loyalty to Trump https://flip.it/gt0Kch

Elected Republicans are lying with open eyes. Their excuses are disgraceful https://flip.it/qQOPJD

Why Republican Politicians Stick With Trump https://flip.it/JwwclJ

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