Wednesday, May 5, 2021


The joke’s on the Republicans and it is a real doozy
Their ballot access cuts could make their party much more loosely!
They thought preventing ballots cast against them meant they’d win
But now it seems their candidates may take it on the chin
Because voters who favor them they also have suppressed
Along with voters with whom their state laws thought they had messed.

Texas, Georgia, Florida...the list grows on and on
As states restricting voting rights sign on to join the throng
But they did not anticipate the backfires to come
From laws on their books that have made their lawmakers look dumb
Because their new enacted laws so many voters slight
Not only left-wing liberals but also wing-nut right.

Republicans cannot accept they hold the losing hand
In the sad game of poker Trump has dealt our sorry land
They’re betting on a pair of threes and hoping it’s enough
Along with vote suppression laws to beat the royal flush
The Democrats are holding just by getting something done
So ballot access misdirection’s making them feel glum.

They’ll have to pass exceptions to their ballot access laws
Because they realize they contain for them some fatal flaws
Like restricting the right to vote not just to enemies
But also to those who they’re worked so very hard to please
So back to drawing boards they go to revise and adapt
Their laws so on their voters’ shoulders backfires don’t tap.

5 May 2021

Republicans fear new voting restrictions could backfire on their own voters

Fla GOP May Have Cut Ballot Access To Their Own Voters

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