Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Mess In Maricopa

The mess in Maricopa is exceedingly dumb
But it’s simply a portent of insanities to come
As ballot after ballot the Republicans contest
To change election results that don’t make them come out best.

The mess in Maricopa is as dumb as it can be
But how it will turn out we will just have to wait and see
Along the way let’s hold our breath and hope things turn out well
But deep inside we all suspect they may go straight to hell.

The mess in Maricopa is dumbness personified
‘Intelligence’ to those involved is hard to be applied
Like kids they think ‘Cyber Ninjas’ is a cool kick-ass name
And that audit’s amateur auditors aren’t insane.
The mess in Maricopa cannot be by dumb surpassed
But to it the Republicans hold hard and firm and fast
They’re now intending to expand their Cyber Ninja trend
To every county where elections past were not their friend.

The Maricopa mess will be a dumb mess everywhere
Once big-lie bought Republicans roll it out on a tear
To seek thereby to overturn all loss they say they won
And return to dictatorship their messed-up chosen one.

23 May 2021

The Mess In Maricopa

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