Saturday, May 22, 2021

Price Hike

Trump told his cult to come to town and have a wild time
But then he raised Trump Hotel prices so he could decline
All QAnon conspirators who asked to stay the night
Because they might have given his fine wealthy guests a fright
And stolen towels and broken things if permitted to pay
What they could afford so he changed fees to keep them away.

He said he loved them after they the Capitol invaded
But made sure before they broke in hotel fees he inflated
Because no matter how much he said he loved them so truly
There is no way he’d permit in his hotel guests unruly
It was fine with him if they turned our Capitol to trash
But no way would they be his hotel guests without the cash.

His price hike makes it obvious to those who brains aren’t slacking
That if you are not rich your loyalty to Trump is lacking
No matter how hard they fight for him through acts that appall
Trump cult members cannot read the writing on the wall
His hotel price hikes are the latest obvious example
That if you are not rich your worth to him is far from ample.

22 May 2021

Trump Hotel raised prices to deter QAnon conspiracists, police records show

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