Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Pull The Plug

OMG! Trump rallies will be starting up again
Despite the fact their rally leader should be in the pen
But he’s so scared Republicans they have given him leave
To spew hate/fear as far and near as travel can achieve
So he’ll soon subject everywhere to his bombastic rage
And before crowds of MAGA-hats in flag-humping engage.

It won’t be long before the one self chosen by self-god
Is back on stage provoking fools to with him again plod
Towards a fascist future in which he’ll hold every key
By destroying election hopes of those who don’t agree
That he should be dictator and again on top hold sway
While under him swarm swamp creatures who make corruption pay.

The way to minimize the orange asshole’s staged return
Is for real media to every rally redux spurn
Because it's ego-stroke attention he desperately craves
And that is what rallies provides via those he enslaves
So let his echo chamber shows alone rallies report
And hope honest news stations pull the plug to them abort.

12 May 2021

Trump rallies set to return any day now

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