Thursday, May 13, 2021

More Ugly

Now Liz is out and Elsie’s in and things will get more ugly
As ass-kissing Republicans gaslight us much more smugly
By claiming no one claims Trump won and the election’s over
And that Capitol riot was like rolls in fields of clover
And they are focused only on moving us all ahead
And other lies that demonstrate what honor they had’s dead.

All Trump ass-kissing Republicans are marching in line
They can’t see where they’re headed but they’re sure it’s somewhere fine
Because they have made sure dear leader condones all they do
By placing him above the nation they swore not to screw
With his big orange ass leading their small butts strung behind
They march towards a future they’re sure ass-kissing will find.

Those of us standing aghast as we watch from either side
Of the road without any middle down which they ass-glide
Are wondering where Trump will lead his gaslit ass parade
And if he has an endgame planned for its ass-packed charade
Beyond ego-stroking kisses from asses he’s aligned
Whose vision of their future ahead’s blocked by his behind.

13 May 2021

The crowning of a new Miss Trump GOP

The Republican Party just showed it’s real face and it’s uglier than we thought

‘I’m going to try one more time’: Fox’s Bret Baier repeatedly grills Mitch McConnell over House GOP ousting Cheney

Kevin McCarthy claims no one is questioning outcome of 2020 election

‘It defies explanation”: former Republican lawmaker slams GOP's lies about Capitol riot

What’s Trump’s endgame in his crusade against the election results?

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