Tuesday, May 11, 2021


There can be but one explanation for the GOP
And that is that it’s been beset by mass insanity
Turtleman and his kind were insane enough before
But with the newest crop of crazies they’ve let in the door
The looney factor has been increased by a billion fold
And anyone remaining sane they’ve left out in the cold.

Consider Lauren Boebert and her ‘Guns R Us’ routine
Consider Jewish space lasers and Margie Taylor Greene
Consider Cancun Cruz who does more dumb things every day
Consider Gaetz who thinks playing with young girls is OK
And what with Louie Gohmert, always emperor for life
Your considered opinion will be brains they’ve sacrificed.

Consider Jordan, Hawley, Cotton, MacC and the rest
With whom the GOP has been so cursed to be so blessed
And you’ll note overwhelming lack within of normal brain
Among dear leader’s defenders who (need I still explain?)
Are all as wing-nut crazy as a cocoa-puff can be
Because Trump’s big lie kool-aid fits their sick brains to a T.

Republicans, thy name is nuts as each day you grow more
Enamored of the former fool in chief you so adore
And in his name do things no normal person ever does
Because your kool-aid pickled brain cells say being a scuzz
For Trump does not tell you that you have gone wing-nut insane
By letting his big lie like cancer infect your sick brain. 

11 May 2021

‘This is insanity’: Conservative destroys House GOP ‘Suicide Squad’ for purging Trump critics https://flip.it/oKPWoI

Trump’s grip over Republicans hardens as party cleaves to election ‘big lie’ https://flip.it/6D8.4H

The Republican Party has developed new rites of initiation: You must push the big lie https://flip.it/qy6zEK

“It’s basically the Titanic’: Republican dissent grows louder as GOP prepares for NeverTrump purge https://flip.it/k00URj

Schumer: ‘The big lie is spreading like a cancer’ among GOP https://flip.it/Ff9MGN

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