Friday, May 21, 2021

No To Yes

McConnell says investigations don’t need to apply 
Because Republicans gave Capitol riots a bye
And want the whole damn incident to simply go away
Because if Trump’s found culpable they will have hell to pay
When their role in the riot mess those who look deep reveal
And so they’re saying ‘NO’ to ‘YES’ to fear of truth conceal.

McCarthy thought three big concessions from Dems he demanded
Would never be accepted, so when they were he recanted
And with McConnell now says ‘NO’ to Dems who bought his deal
Because accepting ‘YES’ would reveal things that make him squeal
He does not want to be called under oath to cite the role
He played by screaming at Trump about losing cult control.

Republicans cannot accept the ‘YES’ from Dems they got
Because investigation means their denials are shot
They claim there was no insurrection in hopes all forget
They hid from ‘tourist’ rioters as far as they could get
Because their lives were just as at risk as Dems on that day
So through their ‘NO’ to the Dem’s ‘YES’ their fear they’d hide away.
21 May 2021

Sen. McConnell: No investigation of US Capitol attack

McCarthy Abruptly Cuts Off Presser After Being Asked If Republicans Communicated With Capitol Rioters

Investigate the Capitol attack? Republicans prefer to back the big lie

The GOP looks for new ways to ignore the Capitol riot

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