Thursday, May 20, 2021

What Else?

What else still has to happen to make Republicans say
That in this country everything is not going OK
As for example on Jan 6 when a gallows appeared
Outside the Capitol while inside they cowered and feared
That they could well be killed by an angry insurgent mob
Who were not “friendly tourists” despite the lies they now lob?

What else still has to happen to make Republicans act
Together with the Democrats to check out the attack
That placed them front and center in the sights of those who came
To overthrow the Government in the chosen one’s name
And were quite willing to kill all there who got in their way
Including all Republicans up on the Hill that day?

What else still has to happen to make Republicans feel
That worshipping their narcissist for them’s not a good deal
And that their blind obedience to he who gives no damn
About them despite loyalty and kicks them in the can
The second they do anything he thinks makes him look bad
Is not the way to stay on the good side of one who’s mad?

What else still has to happen in the country where we live
If they keep kissing the fat ass of one who can’t forgive
And never accepts blame for anything he’s done at all
That last November resulted in his voting shortfall
But who they still allow to drag around by balls and nose
Because to them no other What Else not one can suppose.

Rep. Tim Ryan blasts GOP opponents of Jan. 6 commission “What Else has to happen in this country?”

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