Sunday, May 30, 2021

Fast Dying Breed

Establishment Republicans will now everything lose
Because they could not censure Margie Greene’s words about Jews
They’ve let their inmates dominate their asylum of nuts
Who wound them daily by mouthing uncensored bonkers cuts
Defending the big lie is all their core nut group now renders
Which is not how one party viability engenders.

Establishment Republicans are a fast dying breed
As their former fringe elements assume control with speed
Backed by the nut case chosen one still lurking in the wings
Ready to re-take center stage his big lie to him brings
Via the crazies contingent within the GOP
It has allowed to control what the party’s come to be.

Establishment Republicans should pack their bags and go
There is no room for them now that they’ve let their crazies 
From what was once their comic fringe to party domination 
That is dragging them down along with all in our sad nation
Whatever hope they had to central power base maintain
Their loud Trump-loving lunatics flushed down his big lie drain.

30 May 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene exposes GOP establishment’s lack of power

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