Sunday, May 9, 2021

Flushed Away

The Kraken lawyer it appears has had a hissy fit
And by so having flushed her defense that she’s ‘Full Of Shit’
Dominion voting machine’s lawyers have noted the fact
And are intent on using it to strengthen their attack
And if she is not ‘Full Of Shit’ since flushing it away
She’ll need a great big checkbook for what they will make her pay.

Just like she said she would she really has released a Kraken
Except instead of helping her her Kraken’s self-attackin’
Because she claims ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’ are one and the same
Her Kraken defense flushed the shit she’s full of down the drain
And against her Dominion’s lawyers know they’ll have their way
Because her ‘Full Of Shit’ defense is crackin’ more each day.

Just like her wing-nut brain her Kraken is cracked as can be
And no amount of shit she claims she’s still full of can free
Her from Dominion’s lawsuit facts that are now closing in
Because she flushed away her shit defense that might have been
Enough to get her off the hook if with it she has stuck
But with her shit now flushed away her Kracken’s out of luck.

9 May 2021

Sidney Powell Flushes Her “Full Of Sh*t” Defense

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