Monday, May 10, 2021

No Final Act

Arizona could not look more stupid if it tried
Because its GOP has swept intelligence aside
Red lawmakers so desperate there to assert that Trump won
Are willing to do anything to help their chosen one
And that means they support a vote count that’s beyond mere mess
What with bamboo and infrared and weirdness none can guess.

The vote recount in Arizona is led by a fool
Who thinks that ‘cyber ninjas’ is a name that’s really cool
And of experience with vote counts has not got one lick
So it’s easy to predict final numbers he will pick
To claim Trump received billions of votes more than had been said
A number far beyond Mariposa’s living and dead.

It is being reported by fake news reporters that
Upon this vote recount fiasco Trump has hung his hat
He is convinced back to the White House it will carry him
Once the recount is over and tallied results come in
He will be saved by cyber ninjas dressed in darkest black
Who will his stolen election with their count steal it back.

This is the latest comic act we’re being forced to see
In our ongoing national disaster tragedy
That’s playing out upon the world’s stage each and every day
And won’t let captured audiences ever get away
There is no final act in the big lie play Trump is staging
Its run will be eternal with each new act it’s engaging.

10 May 2021

Inside Arizona’s Election Audit, GOP fraud fantasies live on

‘It makes us look like idiots’: Arizona Republican admits he was wrong to support ridiculous vote audit

As Arizona Auditors Search For Bamboo On Ballots, DOJ Issues Warning

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