Saturday, May 8, 2021

Danse Macabre

Gaetz and Greene, comics supreme, took their act on the road
To make retirees so riled up that they explode
And make them dance to songs by Queen like old white people do
Which led to many mocking memes on Twitter coming through.

As G and G’s bobbing for RINOS world tour proceeds
Audience deaths may occur among old MAGA breeds
The old white farts will not die laughing from the comic spiel
But death from Queen-induced heart attack dancing holds appeal.

If Gaetz and Greene, the comic team, is coming to your town
Run away is the best advice that is to be found
For if you choose to stay because you buy their lying crap
The joke’s on you when danse macabre makes your old heart snap.

8 May 2021

Gaetz and Greene’s bobbing for RINOS world tour!

Elderly white people dancing to Queen at Matt Gaetz rally endure cruel mockery on Twitter

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