Saturday, May 29, 2021

Spineless Worms

Mass spineless creatures in D.C. aren’t only cute cicadas
The Capitol’s infested by other spineless invadas
Of which the most spineless of all was known as Turtleman
But now will be known hereafter as leader of the clan
Of spineless worms who’ve wormed their way deep into government
Where in a squirming slimy mass they tell truth to get bent.

The spineless worms who worm king Mitch McConnell’s leading now
Burrow lower every day as in shit down they plow
With each illegal act they take to their power maintain
Because they know by legal means their survival’s in vain
And so they vote together in one big entangled knot
That every day becomes less useful than a lump of snot.

Real spineless worms are great for aerating garden soil
And as bait they make catching fish lots more fun with less 
But the big lump of spineless worms infesting half the Hill
Aren’t good for anything except presenting a big bill
To those of us who hoped those we elect would represent
More than a squirmy mass sliming up honest government.

29 May 2021
Mitch McConnell Is A ‘Spineless Worm’ On Damning New York Daily News Cover

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