Saturday, May 8, 2021

Cushy Seats

The number of Republicans who believe Trump’s big lie
Is much less than they’d have you believe with their fervent cry
That Donald T’s election win was completely on track
Before evil Democrat socialists went on attack
And stole from their dear leader his most certain victory
And that is why they’re screaming loudly about robbery.

But only a handful believe that Trump actually won
Most know his loss to Biden was much bigger than a ton
But they pretend to believe in the theft scenario
Because they like their seats upon the gravy train they know
And if Trump comes out against them they’re sure to be defeated
Just like he was so they won’t admit his ass got unseated.

The lie they’ve kept alive and well grows bigger every day
Because Republican cowards don’t want to give away
The privileges of offices whose endings are in sight
Unless they pretend the big lie they know is wrong is right
And so they lie while watching their nation go down in flame
From jealously-held cushy seats aboard their gravy train. 

8 April 2021

GOP Rep. reveals how many Republicans actually believe Trump’s election conspiracies

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