Friday, May 7, 2021

Lickspittle Supreme

Lindsey Graham may not come out of the closet too soon
But that does not mean while he’s still in he’s not a buffoon
The other day on Hannity (where else?) he did proclaim
His attachment to Trump’s big ass is so tight it’s insane
Republicans can’t move forward without that ass, he said
(Which is OK with me because it means his party’s dead).

He says without Trump’s orange ass Republicans can’t thrive
It is the shelter from the storm that’s keeping them alive
No other way to move ahead he says is possible
Which goes to show how much of what it produces he’s full
He has fully transformed himself from closet-hidden hack
To ass-kissing buffoon supreme with no turning back.

The roll-call of Republicans is chock-full of wing nuts
But Lindsey holds its place of honor no ifs ands or buts
Because as a lickspittle he’s lickspittle as can be
While also downright stupid and devoid of dignity
His closet gayness is minor compared to what he shows
Each time he opens his mouth to more ass-kissing propose.

So let’s hear it for Lindsey Graham, Trump lickspittle supreme!
The top of the lickspittle heap since Mike Pence left the scene
And way up there he will remain proclaiming Trump his God
The only way Republicans can in the future plod
They’ll plod towards oblivion because that’s where they’re headed
With Lindsey Graham lickspittle types so thoroughly embedded.

7 May 2021

Lindsey Graham says GOP can’t move forward without Donald Trump

Lindsey Graham mocked after making bizarre ‘Trump Cult’ prediction about GOP’s future

‘Pathetic” Lindsey Graham ridiculed for humiliating admission about Trump and the GOP

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