Saturday, May 15, 2021


It’s the CRIME OF THE CENTURY! is what it is, OK?
At least that is what Donald Trump screams louder every day
Because it’s inconceivable to him that he could lose
It never is an option that his sick mind lets him choose.

Because he’s never to blame for things against him gone down
Pence and McConnell he’s blaming for each being a clown
Because one did not overturn a legal vote process
And one did not work hard enough to stop his vote loss mess.

If they had done their duty he’d still be God’s chosen king
But they did not and therefore at each lots more shit he’ll fling
To blame them for the greatest election fraud history
That ever for ever hereafter will anyone see.

His latest tirade is a taste of many more to come
When Donald dons his rally cap and returns to the scrum
To hump the flag on stage and get his cult to again chant
In city after city as he screams out his mad rant.

Oh why oh why has no blood vessel snapped inside his head?
Or his diet and blood pressure combined to drop him dead?
It’s hard to believe good genes alone lets a monster live
So deeply immersed in anger it can but self-forgive.

15 May 2021

“CRIME OF THE CENTURY!” Trump issues furious statements lashing out at Pence and Mitch McConnell for his election loss

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