Sunday, May 16, 2021

Push Back Slaps

Of Margie Taylor Greene’s goon tactics Swalwell’s had enough
And so he told her goon underling to go and get stuffed
When that immature asshole demanded the congressman
Take his mask off Swalwell gave him more than had been his plan 
By confronting the bastard and not just walking away
Let’s hope cheek-turning time’s over and asses made to pay.

Margie Greene has nothing to do since drummed off of floor
So she spends her time screaming hate through mail slots in a door
At AOC against whom she seems to hold quite a grudge
Because from shit slung through a mail slot she refused to budge
Such tactics in 10-year olds would be inappropriate
And from brats now in Congress prove stupid is hard to fake.

Here’s hoping Swalwell’s sick and tired of dumb stupid shit
Starts a movement long overdue to back at assholes hit
Because the Democrats have turned too many other cheeks
And walked away from immature childish right-wing freaks
Of which the current Republican Party is so full
Screw ‘Christian’ values they ignore, slap back hard at their bull.

It’s time to not turn other cheeks when confronted with flack
It’s time to discipline rude childish nut-job attack
By slapping back hard to rattle dumb ‘deeply unwell’ brains
That think being in Congress means they can be childish pains
This class of kid Republican does not deserve respect
Let their tantrums with hard push back slaps hereafter be met.

16 May 2021

“I’m tired of this s*it”: Eric Swalwell blasts ‘marauding goon’ Marjorie Taylor Greene

AOC said Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘deeply unwell’ after a video of Greene taunting her through a letterbox resurfaced

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