Saturday, May 15, 2021

Asses All

Trump still thinks he’s still President and none dare call it treason
Among his toad Republicans who have lost all their reason
And seem to think if they keep kissing his big orange ass
A lot of good things in their future are bound to amass
And so they sweep away those left who say he did not win
And welcome back his flag-humps that at rallies raise a din.

Trump still thinks he’s still President and none dare say him nay
Among Republicans who fear he’ll take their jobs away
If his big orange ass they kiss turns its backside on them
And moons them during flag-hump rallies to make them has been
Because it’s pushed somebody else out as his candidate
Who better than they have proclaimed their loyalty’s more great.

Trump still thinks he’s still President and that thought’s working through
The bowels of Congress where ass-kiss Republicans come through
To do whatever he commands when on the rally trail
Because like his ass they’re sure he can keep theirs out of jail
No matter what he says or does he’ll still have their approval
Because they know an ass is grass once he backs its removal.

15 May 2021

Trump, who still thinks he’s president, is bringing back his rallies next month

The Republican Party and the Descent Into Illiberalism

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