Saturday, May 1, 2021

Comic Relief

Move over Laurel and Hardy, no one wants you to see
Like Abbott and Costello you’re as past as you can be
The Keystone Cops? Forget them. They are so over and done
And Monty Python can ride off into the setting sun
As can all other comic teams from comic history
Gaetz and Greene are the fun team the world awaits to see.

As comic teams go Gaetz and Greene were made in comic heaven
One enjoys girls whose teenage years number no more than seven
The other hunts down pedophiles like a feral cat
But makes an exception for leches who’s first name is Matt
Together the will hit the road to bring comic relief
To our poor nation long beset with lack of humor grief.

Who knows what their routine will be? We’ll have to wait and see
But given their track records ‘Who’s On First’ now less will be
It is hard to conceive of greater laugh-provoking pairs
Than Gaetz and Greene, the comic team the MAGAverse now shares
With all of us starved for the laughs towards which we’ll be cruising
When she hunts all hes except he who teenage girls likes choosing.

1 May 2021

A partnership made in MAGAverse: Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene team up to battle political opposition

Congress’ biggest “pedophile’ hunter is teaming up with Matt Gaetz, who faces underage sex accusation

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