Friday, April 30, 2021

Buckets Of Lies

Oozy Boozy Rudy’s making right-wing talk show rounds
Confessing crimes bizarrely to his fellow Trump toad clowns
And hoping thereby to distract from the FBI raid
That rifled his apartment to find where black goo is made
And cut off his supply so that he does not ooze again
And also maybe link him to a Russian spy craft friend.

Rudy’s ooze is so deep now he may never emerge
But that is not preventing him from to more lying swerve
About the help he gave FBI agents raiding him
Who refused to accept hard drives that do Biden’s son in
That he and he alone possessed and was willing to give
Because they would shank Hunter better than a homemade shiv.

The FBI warned Rudi way back a long time ago
That Russia sought his help to keep Joe Biden’s vote count low
Before he flew off to Ukraine and let Russian spies pounce
On him using Ukrainians whose names you can’t pronounce
He was warned along with other Trump toads in the Senate
And like them to those warning gave extremely little credit.

But now the FBI has pounced which does not him amuse
So against them on right-wing shows he’s aimed his thick black ooze
In hopes it will distract the fact the FBI came raiding
To locate evidence that he's been register-evading
And therefore as a foreign agent must not represent
US interests overseas where his ears Russia bent.

Giuliani, Johnson, and other Trump toad ass-kissers
Who make the Big Lie thrive by meeting with media pissers
Were probably delighted to hear about Russian spies
Seeking them out to try propaganda on for size
As Trump toads they could care less about spreading Russian news
As long as it helps Dear Leader buckets of lies they’ll ooze.

30 April 2021

Superlawyer Rudy Giuliani heading to Hannity to confess some more crimes

Rudi Giuliani tells Tucker Carlson what happened during FBI raid in bizarre interview

FBI warned Giuliani, key Trump ally in Senate of disinformation campaign to discredit Biden

FBI warned Ron Johnson he was being used to spread Russian propaganda - and he didn’t care

Takeaways from the FBI's Giuliani raids

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