Thursday, May 6, 2021

Rubbing Dumb

When you’ve become the asshole that all other assholes spurn
And you’re subject to ridicule every which way you turn
And nothing’s going right for you and everything’s gone wrong
And none who once stood with you still want you to tag along
There is still one place you can go where you won’t be respected
But can buy pricy coffee if you do what you’re expected.

It’s down to Mar-A-Lago your dumb ass had best skedaddle
Because everywhere else you’re up shit’s creek without a paddle
But Donald Trump, the man who called your wife an ugly bitch,
Will let you kneel and kiss his ring - however, there’s a hitch:
The ridicule that’s followed you since you flew to Cancun
Will increase with the photo of you both in the same room.

The photo op of you together will speed your downfall
Much faster than the progress made defunding his dumb wall
Which rusts in pieces strewn along the border of your state
Where history will see it as nowhere near being great
Just like you who it will see as the dumb ass they recall
Whose photo was a gift to late-night comics one and all.

So photo-op and once again rub your big schnoz with his 
But do not be surprised if late-night then gives you the biz
And you become the poster child for all that is dumb
About going to Mar-A-Lago where the chosen one
Demands kneeling and ring-kissing and photo-ops that prove
That when it comes to stupid dumb none rub dumb like Ted Cruz.

6 April 2021

With few GOP allies left, Ted Cruz takes refuge at Mar-A-Lago with his former enemy President Trump

Ted Cruz got dragged for posting a photo of him dining with Trump, the man who insulted his wife and father

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