Saturday, April 24, 2021

Weird Creepy White Guys

In state after state after state after state after state
Local GOPs are passing bills that aren’t so great
For those who think Democracy is something worth preserving
So many anti-‘one person one vote’ bills are unnerving
But for Republicans who know they can’t win without cheating
From bills restricting voting rights there can be no retreating.

14 states to date have rolled out anti-voting bills
The likes of which would give our nation’s founding fathers chills
360 laws or some such big number like that
Have been enacted or await in the wings to attack
Those black and brown and other colored voters and defend
The right to rule by a party of weird creepy white men.

One thing alone stands in the way of making a done deal
Of GOP laws on the books that only hold appeal
To weird creepy abusers of our land’s Democracy
And that’s to end the filibuster as soon as can be
To put an end to legal abuse freedom rapists claim
And stop them flushing voting rights down their local state drain.

24 April 2021

Bills targeting local officials who resisted Trump could allow GOP to ‘overturn election results’

MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross nails GOP as ‘weird, creepy white guy’ party of abusers, rapists, and Matt Gaetz

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