Sunday, April 25, 2021


No more dog whistles will be used to call the faithful out
From now on the Republicans will use bullhorns to shout
Their clarion call for their brand of white supremacy
To those who follow Tucker Carlson on their TV
And buy the ‘white replacement’ lie that he has pushed of late
Loudly and proudly with no need to whisper his black hate.

Tucker is just one of many who are getting ready
To be Trump’s heir-apparent and each in their own way’s scary
DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley, Don Jr., it’s a motley crew
Who think they can be President if black voters they screw
And so they’ve cast their whispered dog whistle asides aside
To proclaim white supremacy by bullhorns magnified.

The future of America’s future is up for grabs
As it’s shrinking white population kicks it in the nads
By screaming about ‘replacement’ and passing local bills
Bent on preserving white privilege through black vote privilege kills
Tucker’s one of many who’s dropped their dog whistle calling
For bullhorn shouted efforts to keep mixed race futures stalling.

25 April 2021

Republicans drop dog whistles for white nationalist bullhorn

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