Friday, April 23, 2021

Knowing Your Audience

Democrats keep asking just how dumb the GOP
Thinks they are given clear Republican hypocrisy
That is as obvious to Dems as water clearly flowing
But theirs is not the stupid that GOP cards are showing.

Republicans know Democrats see through their gaslit lies
But could care less because their goal is trying on for size
Each gaslit lie they come up with to see how well it fits
Within the tiny brains of voters with whom they are hits.

Republicans know it’s dumb voters who keep them afloat
And the Trump cult’s stupidity is way beyond mere rote
So their gaslit hypocrisy is not aimed at Dem ears
It’s aimed at voters dumb as bricks to leverage their white fears.

So when you next hear Cancun Cruz is gaslighting court packing
It’s not to you he is addressing if your Trump-love’s lacking
He and his fellow bullshitters could care less what you hear
Their target is their voters dumb enough to lend an ear.

They’ll get small buck donations sent and when it’s time to vote
They’ll be returned to office without a worry remote
Because they know their voters' brains and have found it’s a snap
Convincing dummies to buy lies and accept gaslit crap.

23 April 2021

‘Gaslighting 101’: Sen. Ted Cruz ripped for one of his biggest, boldest lies yet

Ted Cruz Hates Court Packing. And Irony.

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