Monday, April 12, 2021


If calling the vaccine ‘Trumpcine’ fills Trump cultists with pride
How would they feel about calling COVID-deaths ‘Trumpicide’?
500,000 died because that bastard said that they
Would be saved by a miracle melting the bug away
Yet now he wants to be remembered for ‘his’ vaccine cure!
Let history remember he mass murder did ensure.

Trump and Pence and Kushner, that unholy trinity,
Dicked around while COVID spread throughout the whole country
Pushing quack cures like lightbulbs while half a million died
So it seems only fair to call their f*ck-ups ‘Trumpicide’
Let’s give credit where credit’s due! Those three dumbshits deserve
Credit for mass murder on scales beyond the bell curve.

It’s hard to not feel sickened to hear Trump’s mass ego claim
Credit for vaccines he fought he’d now have bear his name
The alternate reality he would have us believe
About mass COVID deaths he caused that made so many grieve
He touts as evidence he is the hero of vaccines
Instead of dumbshit leader who f*cked up beyond extremes.

12 April 2021

Donald Trump: Coronavirus vaccine should be called ‘Trumpcine’

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