Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Tiny Bowl

As all know Trump rips into those who do not kiss his ass
He calls them stupid SOBs and about them talks trash
To be brutalized in his speeches is the greatest fear
Of every stupid SOB Republican he’s near
And that is why the RNC ‘made up’ a new award
A little silver tchotchke bowl to prove they are aboard.

The little silver tchotchke bowl they gave their leader dear
They ‘made up’ to curb criticism he pours in their ear
By stroking his enormous ego yet once more again
In hopes their bauble bowl conveys to him they are his friend
Like participation awards proud parents give to kids
Their ‘made up’ bowl they hope on his anger can keep the lids.

How very little about Trump do his ass-kissers know!
He needs his anger every day, it is what runs his show
He has only two emotions by which he lives his life 
The first’s self-aggrandizement and the second’s provoked strife
And strife is driven by anger he at foes does exude
And little silver tchotchke bowls can’t hold his anger mood.

But hey! There is an up-side to the little silver bowl
Republicans awarded Trump so he would not them troll
Just look at that bowl in his hands and you will plainly see
The purpose behind the bowl tchotchke from the RNC
Their little silver bowl earned them Trump’s big shit-eating grin
By making his two tiny hands big by comparison.

13 April 2021

Republicans ridiculed for gifting Trump ‘made up’ tiny bowl award https://flip.it/8z6Hfq

They had to stroke Trump’s enormous ego with a little silver tchotchke https://flip.it/_HgIot

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